One salty aging ranch hand who had barely learned to write, got wind of cowboy poetry one time when he was tight.
He heard a funny story bout a cowboy and a bull, and said:" Heck, I should get inta this-- I got a whole bag full." So he got a pad and pencil and a brand new rhyming tome,
and he sat down on his haunches to compose a cowboy poem. He told of an encounter with a Texas longhorn steer, who was well known down in San Antone for drinkin lots of beer.

This misdirected bovine never seemed to get enough,he could chug-a-lug a hat full fast as someone filled the trough. His reputation prospered as his drinkin prowess grew, and the crowds would come from miles around to see him hoist a few. They started sellin tickets to observe this oddity and people coughed up hard earned cash just for the chance to see.

But fate stepped in one Summer day to end the fun and frolic; This longhorn toper drank so much he died an alcoholic!! There's a moral to this tale--an admonition to be made; It will help you if you heed it, and preserve your stock in trade. If you have a longhorn trained to be an entertaining fella, Start him drinkin not on beer, but on root beer or sarsaparilla.

~~Don Tidwell~~

I have dedicated this favorite poem page to hubby. I truely believe if their ever was a former life, He was definately a cowboy!!! I LOVE you!xoxoxoxo

Below you will find some of Hubby's favorites, I would have made all three fishing links, but ya gotta have a little variety right ;-)